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90+ Homemade Dessert Recipes with 8 or Fewer Ingredients

Want to bake but don’t want to measure and mix a long list of ingredients? Then you’ll love these homemade dessert recipes with 8 or fewer ingredients!

collage of dessert photos with text overlay "90+ desserts with 8 or fewer ingredients"

Easy Dessert Recipes with Short Ingredient Lists

I love sharing simple recipes with you. Who doesn’t love simple recipes that taste amazing? That’s what BoB is all about! But this collection of recipes takes simplicity a step further.

Baking recipes tend to have a long list of ingredients. That’s not a bad thing. It’s just that by the time you get the basics – flour, sugar, butter, eggs, etc. – on the list, you’ve already got several ingredients listed before you start with anything else you need for the recipe. These recipes, however, give you fantastic homemade desserts with no more than EIGHT ingredients!

I am a from-scratch baker. It’s what I love to do! So, this list doesn’t rely heavily on mixes. You will find a few shortcut ingredients like puff pastry, store-bought caramel, pudding mix, and things like that. You’ll also find some cookie crusts made with store-bought cookies and some fun things like rice crispy treats made with cereal.

This is quite a long list of sweet treats, so I’m going to organize it by type of dessert. There’s definitely some overlap here, as I’ve noted on a few of the recipes. I hope you’ll be inspired by these minimalist recipes and make something delicious!

Happy baking!

Tips for Simplifying Baking

To make the most of your baking time, keep these tips in mind to bake efficiently!

  • Choose simple recipes. The recipes like the ones on this list are perfect candidates for making simple homemade desserts! If you’re not blessed with the time to make an elaborate dessert, skip the more complicated recipes that feature fussy steps, several different layers, or extensive hands-on time.
  • Read through the recipe. Don’t just scan it before you begin. Make sure you know everything that’s involved and how long it will take.
  • Gather your ingredients. I highly encourage you to gather, measure, and prep your ingredients before you begin baking. You can also take the time to get your tools ready. Set out your mixing bowl, mixer, pan, and anything else you’ll need. It will make the whole process go more smoothly and quickly. And usually with less mess, too!
  • Don’t multi-task. We’re all guilty of trying to get as much done as possible. But you’ll have better success if you concentrate on your baking without other distractions.
  • Take some shortcuts. Look for recipes that give you an efficiency boost by using great shortcut ingredients like puff pastry or store-bought sauces.
  • Make in advance when you can. Whether you’re able make a complete dessert or just a component in advance, being able to do so when it’s most convenient for you will make things simpler.

Dessert Recipes with 8 or Fewer Ingredients

These recipes run the gamut from cheesecakes, cookies, bars, bread puddings, and a whole lot more. I think you’ll be surprised just how many amazing desserts you can make with a short list of ingredients!

Come back to this list when you need a simple dessert recipe for an easy baking project or for effortless entertaining. With this kind of variety, you’re sure to find something to suit your tastes!

Brownie and Bar Recipes with 8 or Fewer Ingredients

Brownies and bars are two of my favorite things to bake, whether they’re tried and true Magic Bars and rice crispy treats, simple cookie bars, a classic brownie, or some other variety. The short ingredients lists of these recipes put them at the top of my favorites list!

Seven layer bars on parchment paper and white square plates

Most cookie recipes have a long list of ingredients, thanks to add-in flavors like chocolate chips and nuts. These cookies, though, keep things simple while not getting short-changed in the flavor department!

Overhead view of vanilla wafers on serving platter

No-Bake Recipes with 8 or Fewer Ingredients

You’ll quickly be able to appreciate my love of no-bake cheesecakes in this list, but you’ll also find a few other treats that skip the oven time and keep dessert simple.

Hand dipping a strawberry into a bowl of cheesecake dip

Pie Recipes with 8 or Fewer Ingredients

Pies don’t often come to mind when thinking about recipes without a lot of ingredients. These pies are each a bit off the traditional pie path, though, and offer sweet, simple dessert ideas!

Mini Caramel Tarts on a white serving tray

Other Recipes with 8 or Fewer Ingredients

And here we have everything else! If you’re looking for something a little different, try these easy desserts. I have to tell you that a few of these are on my go-to list for quick and easy desserts that always impress. Get ready to add these to your regular baking rotation!

overhead view of Italian Jam Crostata with a slice on a pie server

Whew! After all of that deliciousness, I hope you’re excited about how simple dessert can be with these recipes with short lists of ingredients. The toughest part will be deciding which one to try first!

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