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Blueberry-White Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies

Blueberry White Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies

Recently, I’ve been on a bit of an organizing streak. I generally consider myself organized, but there are new levels of obsession around here. I think I owe some of that to living in New York. Small spaces are pure misery without some extreme organization.

Blueberry White Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies are big, chewy cookies with sweet white chocolate and tart dried berries.

As I was rearranging the cabinet that passes for my baking pantry, I found some dried blueberries stuck behind a giant bag of cinnamon. So, obviously, I had to pause the organizing and make cookies.

I’m a big fan of oatmeal cookies. They just seem somehow more… significant than most other cookies. Plus, there’s that extra bit of chewiness from the oats that appeals to me. I tend to make them with whatever I have on hand – nuts, chocolate, dried fruits. So, I gathered up some white chocolate and almonds in addition to the blueberries, and got to baking.

Blueberry-White Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies are sweet, tart, chewy, and crunchy. Delicious!

A little while later, I had a bunch of big, chewy, tasty cookies and a little more room in my kitchen cabinet. These cookies are a nice departure from my usual go-to add-ins. The blueberries are sweet and tart. The white chocolate adds a nice creamy sweetness. And, the almonds provide some crunch.

If you like some salty with your sweet, I might suggest bumping up the salt or sprinkling a tiny bit on top of each cookie before baking. I adore these as is, but I wouldn’t turn down a saltier version.

Blueberry-White Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies

Yield about 20 large cookies
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 22 minutes

Tart dried blueberries, creamy white chocolate, and crunchy almonds are a perfect trio in these hearty, chewy oatmeal cookies.

Blueberry White Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies


  • 1 & 1/4 cups (150g) all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 & 1/2 cups (149g) old-fashioned oats
  • 3/4 cup (170g) unsalted butter, softened
  • 3/4 cup (150g) firmly packed light or dark brown sugar
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 3/4 cup dried blueberries
  • 3/4 cup chopped white chocolate
  • 3/4 cup chopped almonds


  1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Line baking sheets with silicone liners or parchment paper.
  2. Whisk together the flour, baking powder, and salt. Stir in the oats. Set aside.
  3. Using an electric mixer on medium speed, beat the butter and brown sugar until light and fluffy. Add the eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each addition. Mix in the vanilla.
  4. Reduce mixer speed to low. Add the flour mixture in 3 or 4 portions, mixing just until combined. Stir in the blueberries, white chocolate, and almonds.
  5. Drop the dough in 3 tablespoon portions (a cookie scoop works well.) onto prepared pans. Leave about 2 & 1/2 inches between cookies. Flatten the tops of the cookies slightly.
  6. Bake, one pan at a time, 18-22 minutes. The edges should be browned and the centers set. Cool on the pans on wire racks for 5 minutes. Then, transfer the cookies to wire racks to cool completely.

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    22 Comments on “Blueberry-White Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies”

  1. These are gorgeous and delicious! I think they also qualify as a breakfast cookie since they contain such healthy ingredients…Do you think adding in a handful of flax or chia would ruin the texture or baking of them?

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks, Joan! I think you could add flax or chia without any problem. If necessary, you could cut back the oats just a bit to keep the dough moist.

  3. These will be made this weekend…I am moving in a couple of weeks…this is a much better option to packing!

  4. I’d stop organizing to bake cookies, too — especially these! I agree with you wholeheartedly – oatmeal cookies are more significant than most cookies. Heartier, and chewier! Dried blueberries have to make them even more delicious!

  5. These looks divine. Yum!

  6. I am so with you on the organization obsession- I think the end of winter baking and such makes me feel itchy until I rearrange my pots and pans! Our EV apartment is tee-ny and I have to stop what I’m doing sometimes and just CLEAN! And maybe a break for cookies, as well 🙂

  7. mmmm. just thinking of how I can make this with what I have in the cupboard (the nearest shop is half an hour away). Cranberries instead of blueberries, and I have a block of hazelnut chocolate that I could break up…:)

  8. Haha! I agree that a little goldmine find in the pantry calls for immediate baking. 🙂 Good call! And good call using an oatmeal cookie as your base. Sounds like breakfast to me!

  9. Your cookies look great! I often bake to avoid doing things I should be doing, like the laundry!

  10. I need to start cleaning out my baking pantry in preparation to move…not that I’m moving very far (three floors) but I’ll somehow feel better about it. I hope I find some dried blueberries in my odds and ends so I can make these!

  11. Ohhh, so pleased to see you using white chocolate! Don’t the blueberries clash with the flavor of the sweet chocolate a bit though?

  12. These look superb. I would love to try making them but substituting the dried blueberries for dried strawberries, which simply are not used enough in baked goods and they are SO delicious.

  13. Oh hello yummy-ness. I made blueberry cookies once witha glaze and they were awesome, but I bet the added glory of oatmeal and white chocolate makes these out of this world

  14. Made these tonight, and they are terrific. Love the flavor of the blueberries.

  15. Just made these cookies. Easy recipe. I substituted cranberries for blueberries because I’m cheap. The taste is divine. Thanks for the recipe.

  16. Just made these cookies too and they were delicious. Great recipe that is diverse with being able to interchange berries. Be it black or blue berries or cranberries. Thx!

  17. Oats, white chocolate AND blueberries? My three favorite ingredients all in one cookie! Sounds amazing. 🙂

  18. Wow! This is a must try! My mom’s favorite fruit mixed with her favorite cookie…. screams Mother’s day to me!

    Pinning this recipe!

  19. Blueberries in cookies are a splendid idea!

  20. I made these a couple weeks ago and LOVED them! They seriously rocked my world!

  21. Thank you for a great recipe. I just finish baking them and they are soft and moist. I substitute the blueberry with raisin and almonds with peanuts because thise are all I have and they are yummy.

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