Hummingbird cupcakes are a Southern favorite made with a delicious combination of bananas, pineapple, nuts, cinnamon, and cream cheese frosting. Best of all, this...
This Butter Pecan Cake features beautiful, delicious cake layers made with white chocolate. And it’s all topped with an incredible frosting filled with buttery...
This German chocolate cheesecake combines two classic dessert recipes into one over-the-top confection. It’s perfect for a special occasion! As you probably suspected by...
Chocolate salted caramel mini cupcakes are little bites of pure decadence! Moist chocolate cupcakes are stuffed with gooey salted caramel, then finished with a...
This effortless Blueberry Crumb Cake is loaded with plump, juicy blueberries, then topped with an irresistible, buttery brown sugar cinnamon crumb. Easy Blueberry Crumb...