This oatmeal chocolate chip cake combines chocolate, rolled oats, and a rich cream cheese frosting for an absolutely delicious treat! Oatmeal Cake With Chocolate...
With flaky croissants, jammy preserves, and cozy cinnamon, this blueberry croissant bread pudding does double-duty as a decadent brunch or a crowd-pleasing dessert! I...
For a beautiful, eye-catching dessert, this Double Nut Chocolate Cake is just the thing, with a nutty chocolate frosting between layers of chocolate and...
Hummingbird cupcakes are a Southern favorite made with a delicious combination of bananas, pineapple, nuts, cinnamon, and cream cheese frosting. Best of all, this...
This Butter Pecan Cake features beautiful, delicious cake layers made with white chocolate. And it’s all topped with an incredible frosting filled with buttery...