These Italian rainbow cookies are as delicious as they are colorful, with layers of almond-flavored cake, fruit preserves, and rich dark chocolate. Italian rainbow...
Easy and festive, this gingerbread bark combines rich dark chocolate with crunchy gingerbread cookies and a hint of spicy-sweet crystallized ginger. Perfect for gifting or snacking...
Soft, melt-in-your-mouth peppermint cookies topped with creamy frosting and crushed candy canes. Perfectly festive for the holidays! If you’re looking for a holiday cookie...
Spiced, sweet, and oh-so festive, these traditional Pfeffernüsse cookies are just what your holiday baking needs! A classic German treat with a sweet glaze...
These buttery raspberry ribbon cookies are filled with sweet-tart raspberry jam and topped with a simple glaze. They’re perfect for any occasion, from holiday...
Classic snowball cookies are always a holiday favorite! These tender, buttery cookies coated in powdered sugar are simple to make, melt in your mouth,...
These baked pears are a cozy, comforting dessert that combines the natural sweetness of pears with a deliciously spiced oat filling. It’s the perfect...
This apple cider donut cake brings the classic flavors of fall into a tender, buttery Bundt cake. Coated in cinnamon-sugar, each bite is filled with warm...
Indulge in the silky, creamy delight of a classic sugar cream pie—effortlessly simple and irresistibly delicious! Sugar cream pie, also known as Hoosier pie,...